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The Slomka Law Firm, P.C.

Hours Open:
8 AM - 5 PM
8 AM - 5 PM
8 AM - 5 PM
8 AM - 5 PM
8 AM - 5 PM
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The Slomka Law Firm lawyers, team of experienced and well-trained staff, and the outside consultants whom we work with are all dedicated to helping our clients find financial freedom. In many cases this is through bankruptcy, and often, we are able to find alternatives to bankruptcy for our clients like debt negotiation or loan refinancing and modifications.

Although the world puts a stigma on people who need to seek debt relief in the form of bankruptcy, the fact is, the smartest, most organized people in the world could be hit with sudden medical emergency, income loss or family tragedy that renders them suddenly thousands, even hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.

Serious debt has nothing to do with mistakes in most cases. More often than not, our clients are facing bankruptcy because of circumstances outside of their control and because of the difficult economic times we are facing in our country. The important thing is not to worry about who is to blame, but to find a way to hit the reset button on your finances and get a fresh start.

If you are facing insurmountable debt, you are not alone, especially with the current state of our economy. Fortunately, our legal system offers seriously indebted citizens a fresh start — the chance to hit the reset button and get a second chance for financial freedom.

The Slomka Law Firm, P.C. – Providing services in the following areas of law:

Consumer Law
Credit and Mortgage
Debt Relief
Debtor and Creditor
Federal Law
Local, Municipal and State Law
Tax Planning