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Hill/Macdonald, LLC

Hours Open:
8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
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HillMacdonald, LLC, a family law firm, Marietta, GA., provides legal assistance to clients facing family dispute. The office offers services for contested and uncontested divorce, child support and custody, alimony and modification of final decrees property division.
The skilled Georgia lawyers who consistently deliver positive results in a broad range of family law cases — and whose complete focus on divorce can mean cutting-edge representation for you — are Hill / Macdonald, LLC.

Hill/Macdonald, LLC – Providing services in the following areas of law:

Divorce — including high-asset divorce, contested and uncontested divorce, and collateral issues of asset and property division, child support and child custody, alimony and modification of final decrees

Predivorce planning — to prepare for a custody battle or business asset division dispute and document evidence in your favor before divorce proceedings are initiated
Prenuptial agreements — as a part of pre-marriage planning, designed to protect your right to premarital possessions and access to your child in the event of a divorce
Paternity and legitimation — serving birth mothers seeking child support, biological fathers seeking custody and visitation opportunities, and putative fathers wishing to exert fathers’ rights to refute or determine standing as biological parent
Domestic partnerships — for couples of any lifestyle who wish to pursue documentation to legalize guardianship and visitation of children, or to finalize the end of a relationship with division of assets and debt
Judgment enforcement — orders for a divorced parent to cooperate with obligations spelled out in a divorce decree
Our full-service guidance extends to the field of alternative dispute resolution (attorney Vic Brown Hill is a trained mediator) as a less expensive, stressful method of resolving disputes than litigation.