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Law Office of Robert S. Toomey, PC

Hours Open:
8 AM - 5 PM
8 AM - 5 PM
8 AM - 5 PM
8 AM - 5 PM
8 AM - 5 PM
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f you have come to my website, chances are that you are in the middle of a financial crisis. Home payments are behind or you may be in foreclosure. Your car payments are late, and creditors are calling. Lawsuits have been threatened or may be already filed. Your wages are being garnished. And you may have stopped opening your mail and you hate to answer the phone.
If you have problems such as these, filing for Debt Relief under either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the US Bankruptcy Code may be a solution for you. Either chapter will immediately stop all collection activities, and in most cases you can keep all of your property. However the question of filing for bankruptcy protection may not be an easy one to make. One of your many concerns may be the worry that your credit score may be so adversely affected that you may not be able to secure a loan to buy a car or a home.

Unexpectedly, in may cases, the effect of bankruptcy on your credit score may not be as bad as you might think. The Toomey Law Firm has been helping consumers to protect their property and get back on their feet for more than 14 years. We have personally assisted thousands of consumers with their bankruptcy cases. Our purpose is to help hard-working people get back in control of their finances and to protect their property. We accomplish this by developing plans under either the Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, and many clients have reported the ability to obtain favorable financing for a new home or car within a year or two of their Bankruptcy Discharge.

Law Office of Robert S. Toomey, PC – Providing services in the following areas of law:


General Bankruptcy Information:
Bankruptcy Terms & Definitions
Bankruptcy Frequently Askes Questions
Bankruptcy Information Sheet
Bankruptcy Is Still An Option
Bankruptcy Exemptions – Assets you Keep
Debts Erased by Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy Basics
Bankruptcy Basics Online Video