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If you’ve lost your job, are unable to work, suffered a business setback or simply don’t have the money to pay your bills, don’t hesitate to ask for help. The sooner you act, the sooner you can start to breathe freely again.

Filing for bankruptcy can prevent mortgage lenders from pursuing foreclosure on your home. Under Chapter 13 bankruptcy, debt can be reorganized into a manageable repayment plan, which can lower your monthly mortgage payment and allow you to keep your home.

Eliminate All Penalties & Fees. Get Your License Back. The state will suspend your driver’s license for unpaid Chicago parking tickets. A DebtStoppers bankruptcy plan can wipe out all parking ticket debt and get your license re-instated immediately.

Filing for bankruptcy gives you automatic stay protection, which prevents repossession agents from taking your vehicle. If you act quickly, bankruptcy can even get your repossessed car or truck back — and at a lower monthly payment.

Garnishment is a court order that forces your employer to withhold a portion of your paycheck — up to 25% of your after-tax pay, and deliver that money to a creditor. You lose the ability to decide how to spend your pay, and your employer learns way too much about your financial hardship. Bankruptcy takes that garnishment off your check, saving you from the inconvenience and embarrassment.

s your debt-to-income ratio increases, your credit score decreases. In response, lenders react with increased interest rates and tightening your credit. Filing for bankruptcy can actually reverse this trend, as you begin to take the necessary steps to repair your credit.

By filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, the bankruptcy court provides you automatic stay protection. After this action is taken, creditors can’t contact you directly and can only attempt to collect on your debts through the bankruptcy court. The automatic stay effectively stops harassing phone calls and other collection tactics. If creditors ignore this court order, you may be able to pursue a lawsuit against them for damages!

any people think that filing for bankruptcy forces you to sell everything you own. Nothing could be further from the truth. Bankruptcy helps you retain important items including your house, your vehicle, your retirement plan – even your cash.

The Chicago bankruptcy attorneys at DebtStoppers can help you move from financial distress to the peace of mind you deserve.