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Samuel Ford Law

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Samuel Ford Law provides skilled and experienced legal guidance for families in Torrance and throughout the South Bay as they create end-of-life documents such as wills and trusts, as well as guiding them in making important decisions about business succession strategies and estate tax planning. Our Torrance estate planning & probate lawyer will work closely with you to understand your unique situation and tailor your estate plan to fit your individual needs and goals. No matter your situation, Samuel Morison is dedicated to giving you the personal attention you deserve and will draft an estate plan tailored to your individual needs and to help you take care of those you love.

A voice you can trust on the legal issues that matter most
The decisions you make about your estate are some of the most important choices you’ll ever make. While you may no longer be physically present, providing for family, friends, and charitable organizations after your death will allow you to continue to care for those you loved most.

A South Bay probate and estate administration lawyer from Samuel Ford Law will be able to assist you with all probate matters during the stressful time of losing a loved one. Probate is one of the final stages of passing wealth from one generation to the next. Depending on the size of the estate, the will, and the complexity of the assets, the probate process might become quite overwhelming for someone who is not a lawyer. Let a top probate attorney in Torrance, CA, guide you through this process and help take your mind off this complicated task during an already trying time.