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Law Office of Ann Gottesman

Hours Open:
9 AM - 5 PM
9 AM - 5 PM
9 AM - 5 PM
9 AM - 5 PM
9 AM - 5 PM
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Pasadena DUI lawyer Ann Gottesman handles all types of criminal cases, with an emphasis on DUI’s, drug cases (possession and possession for sale of methamphetamine, marijuana, crack cocaine, heroine, LSD, mushrooms, prescription pain medications, ect…), domestic violence, robbery, assault, theft, prostitution, weapon charges, third strike cases, probation violations, expungements and more. She is also experienced in handling misdemeanor traffic tickets such as driving on a suspended license, hit and run, DMV negligent operator hearings, and all other types of DMV hearings. Ann’s clients praise her as an experienced and passionate advocate who fights hard for their legal rights and liberty.

The Law Office of Ann Gottesman: A Pasadena Criminal Defense & DUI Firm

provides personal attention
provides reasonable fees
offers free consultations
accepts all major credit cards
offers helpful payment plans
Ann is available to her clients 7 days a week

Ann Gottesman has dedicated herself to providing personal attention and strong legal guidance to her clients. When your freedom, job, reputation and sanity are at stake, call Ann for a free and absolutely confidential consultation regarding your case.