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Petrelli Previtera, LLC

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Family law issues are among the most intense and complex legal matters you can face. These issues strike close to home, involving your most private and fundamental relationships and are commonly fraught with feelings of frustration, fear, and uncertainty. During this period, it can be difficult to make rational decisions. Having an experienced family law attorney to hold your hand and guide you through can make all the difference.

At Petrelli Previtera, our Princeton family law attorneys can provide clarity to your family chaos. We will work closely with you to find sound, balanced, and effective solutions that serve your short- and long-term goals. We handle each case with compassion, dexterity, and unwavering commitment because we understand the delicate nature of family law disputes. Whatever you are up against, we can get through it together. Contact our law firm today for an initial, confidential consultation.

Our attorneys work together to provide you with a team approach, which means you will have the benefit of the collaboration of multiple legal minds. However, you will work one-on-one with your assigned attorney throughout all the phases of your family law case. Our firm is founded on approachable, accessible legal representation that is honest, professional, and customized to your needs.

Child custody in New Jersey is broken into two areas — legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody addresses decision-making concerning major, long-term issues for your children. These issues may include decisions about education, religion, non-emergency medical treatment, and the like. Physical custody, on the other hand, relates to creating a parenting schedule that provides for the children to be with each parent based on your family’s needs and interests.

Our attorneys will help you understand these issues so you can make informed decisions about an appropriate parenting plan.