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CGA Law Firm

Hours Open:
9AM- 5PM
9AM- 5PM
9AM- 5PM
9AM- 5PM
9AM- 5PM
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Precise and to the point.

When life is full of questions, you need someone who has the answers. That’s why CGA Law Firm listens and helps you understand your situation, and provides sound advice for the best possible outcomes. The professionals at CGA pay attention to the details so we can represent you with the utmost accuracy. Every CGA attorney lives your case like it’s their own – and believe that you deserve our unwavering advocacy no matter what the scope or nature of your case.

It takes a team for everything to fall in to place.

No two law firms are created equally. CGA’s team of legal professionals makes it the single source firm for all your legal needs. It is the depth of experience, talents of the team, and our resources that enable us to provide the highest quality legal services to you. From our diverse practice groups to our staff of paralegals and legal assistants, we have the team to handle your case. Whether you are an individual, family, business, municipality, or school district – you can expect that we have the team players needed to affect the best possible outcome for you.

We’ll make sure your case isn’t a roll of the dice.

Whether in your personal life or business, CGA Law Firm has the capabilities to help you see past the situation and help lead you to the best outcome. We are here for you now and down the road. Even after your case is closed our doors are always open. We believe that being able to easily reach your attorney to get your questions answered in a timely manner is key. Whether providing counsel to an individual, a partnership or a corporate entity, our overall goal is to listen, empathize and ultimately represent you with unwavering advocacy so you can achieve positive results and have peace of mind that you made the right move.

We’ll help you make the right move.

Why do clients choose CGA Law Firm? Because we apply the most creative legal thinking to your case to determine the best course of action. As your partner, we explain your options, and answer your questions clearly before providing counsel on your best course of action. When a direction has been determined and agreed upon, we take prompt actions and proceed with diligence to help attain the best possible legal outcome.