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Law Offices of Jerrold W. Bartman P.C.

Hours Open:
9 am to 5 pm
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Our law firm is solely focused on helping people get OUT of debt, not deeper into it. After handling over 5000 local cases, we have developed an efficient system of handling cases at very affordable rates. We offer:Payment plans-No Interest-Low Fees
Firm Overview
Welcome to Albany Hope

We are here to serve you and the countless others in the upstate New York area who have been adversely affected by the crushing economic crisis that has befallen our country. The crumbling Housing and Real Estate markets have spilled over into all other aspects of personal and business life, and regardless of our choices- we are all paying the price. Jobs have been lost, families broken, and lives and property now hang in the balance while the public awaits a common solution. The Wall Street banks and the politicians in Washington were quick to find protections for themselves, and exchanged favors while giving lip-service to the public about solutions that have yet to take effect. So what about protecting you and your family? Unfortunately, this question has been left for you to answer, but at our law firm, we believe there is hope for our community in the Albany area, and we are committed to finding the best solutions for everyone. If you are struggling with finances, please inquire for a free consultation today.


Are your negotiations with your lender going nowhere? Or are you already facing foreclosure? If so, the clock is working against you. It is now estimated that hundreds of thousands of foreclosures have occurred before ongoing negotiations were completed! And while massive lawsuits are pending against banks who have allegedly acted in ‘Bad Faith’, the fact remains that once your home is legally taken from you, it is nearly impossible to regain ownership. As a law firm that has averted hundreds of foreclosures, it is very disturbing to know that this process continues every day, and that so many local homeowners leave themselves at the mercy of unscrupulous mortgage servicers and banks without ever seeking the protection of the law. Not every home can be saved from foreclosure, but if you truly wish to stay in your home, you owe it to yourself and your family to seek help.


Your home is not your only expense. Your creditors will typically view your situation from a one-dimensional angle, while you are stuck wrestling with a dozen or more expenses. And summarizing your expenses for your lender improperly can lead to a minefield of reasons for being denied a loan modification or other workout plan. Nearly every one of our homeowner clients tells us about their terrible experiences in negotiating with their lenders. In almost every case, the problems are rooted in a lack of understanding of what the banks are looking for. During our initial free consultation, we will educate you to the logic that most lenders use to judge your situation. This is a critical step to success. You need to know all of your options and knowing your legal rights is also vital.

Like most American families and small business owners, debt is probably among your top concerns and greatest pressures in life. Families across the country have been struggling to make ends meet. You may have questions about your financial situation.
“Will my family’s mounting debts result in bankruptcy?”

“What happens if our house goes into foreclosure?”

“How will my family survive?”

“What is the difference between a Chapter 7 and Chapter 13?”

“The laws recently changed, do I still qualify for bankruptcy?”

If these questions sound familiar to you or someone you know, stop your worries. Thousands of Americans just like you have reclaimed their lives through bankruptcy and the debt elimination programs we provide at The Law Office of Jerrold W. Bartman, PC. We provide our clients with all the information they need to make well informed decisions about their financial situation. Make the appointment that can stop the worry and make you and your family feel safe and secure. The appointment is FREE. Complete our Free Case Review Form to get started.Free Case Review

We have given you assurances that an attorney can help you, but you may still be wondering if bankruptcy is a financial tool that can help secure your future. It very well may be, but we won’t know until one of our trained bankruptcy attorneys meets with you and gains an in-depth understanding of your unique situation. The Law Office of Jerrold W. Bartman, PC help people in financial trouble understand their options, make choices and take actions to prevent debt problems from spiraling out of control. Our firm has a consistent track record of empowering our clients to make informed decisions that protect the security of their families. We know that our attorneys can help you address your concerns about debt, bankruptcy and foreclosure because our lawyers have already helped thousands of people just like you. Whether you are considering filing a consumer Chapter 7 bankruptcy to eliminate your debt or filing a consumer Chapter 13 bankruptcy to stop a foreclosure sale of your home, The Law Office of Jerrold W. Bartman, PC can help. If you need help with a bankruptcy, a foreclosure, debt resolution, difficult mortgage lending or consumer advocacy law, it is never too early to talk to us. The Law Office of Jerrold W. Bartman can give you the skills and tools to restore your good name and fight back when creditors become abusive. We are so confident that you will appreciate our superior level of service that your first appointment with a bankruptcy attorney is absolutely free. We are a debt relief firm. We help people file bankruptcy petitions to obtain relief under the bankruptcy code.

Bankruptcy Chapter 7

Often called the “liquidation” or “straight” bankruptcy, chapter 7 is primarily used by individuals who wish to free themselves of debt simply and inexpensively, but may also be used by businesses that wish to liquidate and terminate their business.
Bankruptcy Chapter 13

An individual with a regular income who is overcome by debts, but believes such debt can be repaid in full or part within a reasonable period of time, may file under chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code. Chapter 13 permits the debtor to file a plan in which the debtor agrees to pay a certain percentage of future income to the Bankruptcy Court for payment to creditors. If the Court approves the plan, the debtor will be under the Court’s protection while repaying such debts

Debt Settlement
Debt Elimination
The topics of debt negotiation and debt settlement have become a source of confusion to consumers over the last several years. This is mainly due to the fact that thousands of private companies and non-profit organizations have been established with the stated aim of giving debtors an alternative to bankruptcy. In general, this is a noble effort- as bankruptcy should always be used as a last alternative.

The problem that has arisen in the loosely regulated ‘Debt Settlement’ and ‘Debt Negotiation’ industries is that most of these private businesses are unlicensed and are not qualified to practice Law. If a licensed attorney in your state has not provided these services- then you will have no legal representation if your case is elevated and would require the protection of the law. Furthermore, you can get locked into payment contracts with these private companies, and be stuck once again with a new debt- and a new legal contract to pay.

If your problems aren’t solved, and what you really needed was legal action or if you needed to file bankruptcy, then you are faced with starting from scratch with an attorney. A good attorney will present you with every possible angle for handling your debt problems. In many cases, your creditors may be willing to give you better terms on your debts simply because they know you are working with an attorney who could potentially file bankruptcy for you. Our law firm has years of experience in using tough negotiations with creditors, and will work every case to its best achievable outcome.

In 2009 and 2010, efforts were rapidly escalated to enact foreclosure prevention and loan modification programs such as HAMP, the Making Home Affordable Program, HOPE for Homeowners, and the Foreclosure Prevention Act. In the wake of these programs followed thousands of new services aimed at helping people through the process. Unfortunately, millions of homeowners have encountered fraudulent outfits who charged high up-front fees, but were either unequipped to help, or worse- had no intention of helping.

Our firm has worked diligently to gain a full understanding of all of the qualifying measures by which these new Loan Modification programs work, and we have developed an advanced process for forming the best proposals to lenders and banks.

During our initial consultation, we will demonstrate our system for you, and educate you to the various aspects of the loan modification and foreclosure prevention process. For 2011, we now have advanced document preparation software that will prepare a full proposal specifically for your mortgage lender’s requirements, and we even now have access to exclusive web-based portals that are only available to a select group of subscribing attorneys and that allow us direct access to negotiators at almost every major bank.

If you have been working with your mortgage company on a loan modification and have become frustrated with the process of submitting documentation repeatedly, our system will dramatically simplify matters for you. And unlike unscrupulous ‘Loan Modification Companies’ who may have no alternative strategies when negotiations fail, we will employ every available legal strategy to save your home. Contact us today to learn more.