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Law Office of J. Marshall Shelton

Hours Open:
9AM- 5PM
9AM- 5PM
9AM- 5PM
9AM- 5PM
9AM- 5PM
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J. Marshall Shelton attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in the field of Geology. He then attended the Ohio Northern University College of Law where he earned his Juris Doctor degree. While studying, he also worked closely with Professor Sherry Young as a research assistant.

J. Marshall Shelton worked with a number of top lawyers throughout his education which gave him experience and knowledge that you can’t gain in a classroom setting. After earning his law degree, J. Marshall Shelton became an associate with McClellan, Gatton & Talcott in Greensboro, NC. After seven years of working in bankruptcy matters, he opened The Law Office of J. Marshall Shelton.

Bankruptcy Lawyer

Every year, Super Lawyers magazine conducts research to create a list of “Rising Stars” that only 2.5% of attorneys in the state receive. The criterion that is evaluated includes peer nominations, credentials, scholarly lectures, pro bono work and much more. J. Marshall Shelton is honored that is hard work and dedication was honored and identified.