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This woman was the single worst attorney I have ever encountered. Rude, overly aggressive, and seemed to think she was auditioning for a b-list courtroom drama and failing miserably. She could barely control her outbursts in court, badgered witnesses, and both interrupted and yelled at the magistrate during hearings. At one point, she was even chewing gum in the court hearings. Stumler attempted to disparage witnesses and twist their words, force answers through cheap and manipulative tactics, and attacked the other party in a way that made her look like a caricature of the attorney she claims she is. Additionally, she filed documents that were chock-full of errors, blatant lies, and misinformation that was unable to be proven. Her office resembles a garbage dump, and she is personally disorganized and horrifically sloppy. The tactics used by this “attorney” are those of a money-grubbing con artist who moonlights as someone deserving a law degree. If you have found yourself hoping that they’d make a courtroom spin-off of Napoleon Dynamite where one of the attorneys has the demeanor of a rabid honey-badger, this is the gal for you. Otherwise do yourself, your case, and everyone else involved a favor and run for the hills. Do not hire this woman. Stay far, far away. You’d be better served representing yourself than giving this absolute disgrace the opportunity to harm the credibility of your case with her terrible attitude and total lack of professionalism. The only reason there’s one star here is because giving negative stars wasn’t an option.