Imansingh Gurung VS HMGN



The petitioner Gurung claimed that the Court Marshal general took action against him although he was a civilian.  The Case study : Imansingh Gurung VS HMGN

He was sentenced to eight years imprisonment under Section 45(b), in an allegation of committing crime under Section 57 of the Military Act. He had urged the respondent for the revision of the decision; however, no notice of any development about the same had been supplied to the petitioner. The petitioner had been punished for two years of imprisonment and fined Rs. 65,000 by the Central Regional Court on a charge of illegal foreign exchange. The Court Marshal again punished him on the same ground.
This had violated Articles 11(4) and 14(2) of the then Constitution as well as Article 14(2) of the Constitution of 1990. Civilians may not be punished under the Military Act. The petitioner requested that the decision be declared void and that he be released from illegal detention issuing an order of habeas corpus.

The respondents stated that the punishments awarded to the petitioner by the ordinary court and the Court Marshal were separate and not the same case. The punishment by the special court was related to illegal possession of foreign currency while the punishment by the Court Marshal was related to abetting a military officer to commit an illegal act. The Military Act is protected constitutionally under Article 131 and Section 4 of the Law Interpretation Act 1953. Therefore, the petition was requested to be quashed.

Full bench Held
Article 23 of the Constitution guarantees constitutional remedy for substantive as well as fundamental rights. Article 88(2) of the Constitution may be applied to declare a law null and void if only such law is inconsistent with the present Constitution, not the former Constitution.

The jurisdiction of the court may not be exercised retrospectively to declare void a decision taken under the situation where the former Constitution was effective. The question on the constitutionality of the jurisdiction of the Court Marshal would have been raised then under Article 71 of the former Constitution. The question is raised only after three years of the existence of the law; therefore, it would not be practical declaring such law void abinitio<, unless deemed extremely necessary by the nature of the subject matter.

If citizens are treated unequally by any act of state agency or by law made by legislature that would be unconstitutional in accordance with Article 11(1). Laws formulated to fulfil requirements of one group or community may not resolve the problems of other groups or communities.

If there should exist a reasonable relationship between such laws and the intended objective, it may not be regarded against the right to equality. Therefore, the provision of Section 1(3)(d) may not be consented on the ground of the systems of the other countries and court judgments. If the provision is endorsed, regarded as reasonable and if jurisdiction is given to the Court Marshal to adjudicate cases involving a civilian only on the ground of the involvement of military personnel in the crime, this may be social intercourse of the military. Therefore, it is discriminatory and unjust to apply the debated section of the Military Act to the civilian petitioner.

If any civilian citizen is treated differently to the other civilians keeping him in a military category and depriving him of the opportunity of justice through an ordinary court, and if there does not seem reason and ground, such act would be against the Article 11(1) of the Constitution. Hence, clause Section (d) of clause 1(3) of the Military Act is deemed inconsistent with Article 11(1) of the Constitution and thereby declared ipso facto null and void.

In the context of issuing a habeas corpus order, it is obvious that the detaining agency, whether ordinary court or military court, must maintain the Constitution and legal provisions. The restriction by the Constitution to interfere in the proceedings of the Court Marshal does not mean that it may act whichever way it likes. If the Court Marshal detains against the Constitution and the law and if the path of complaining is closed, the detained may seek alternatives and the court may release the prisoner by declaring the detention unlawful.

As far as the actions and punishment of the petitioner are concerned, the facts and evidence of the case show that the punishment awarded to the petitioner in accordance with Section 45(b) and 7 of the Military Act is based on a charge of illegal possession of foreign exchange which is a crime of civil nature like customs, smuggling, corruption etc
It may not be said that such acts would fall under military crime merely on the ground that proceeded under military law. The military offence is related to the operation of a military organisation and discipline; so the intention of the proviso of the Article 88(2) is not to restrict interference only on the ground of involvement of military personnel in any crime.

Therefore, the court can review judicially the punishment awarded to a civilian in a charge of civilian nature by the General Court Marshal and it can declare void such unconstitutional and unlawful decision. The charge to the petitioner seemed to be abetting to a military personnel. Hence, the punishment by the Court Marshal is revoked and the petitioner be released from the detention by an order of habeas corpus.


Chandra Bahadur Nepali VS HMG




The petitioner was charged with an offence under Section 4(a) of the Human Trafficking Control Act. The prosecution was carried out under the provision of Section 6 and 7(2) of the Act regarding the endorsement of statements made by the approver at the police. According to the above mentioned provision, if the defendant did not deny such a statement, the court could take it as endorsed and as conclusive proof.

According to Article 11(5) of the Constitution 2019 and Article 14(2) of the Constitution 2047, presumption of innocence is a fundamental right. In the line of this provision, a plaintiff is liable to prove that the defendant is not innocent. The principles of law, as accepted by Nepal, state that in criminal justice the burden of proof does not lie with the defendant. The provision of Section 7 of the Act is inconsistent with Article 11(5) of the former Constitution and would, ipso facto, be void after one year of commencement of the new Constitution.
As with crimes of a serious nature the burden of proof shifts to the accused, the option to be released on bail or due dates during the trial of cases are no longer available. Therefore, the petitioner had asked for a necessary order including the order mandamus.
The defendants’ side contended that the Human Trafficking Control Act was a law to maintain order in society and to prohibit the trade of human beings. The privileges of formulating such a law under the provisions of Article 17 of the former Constitution and Article 11(a) of the present Constitution were fundamental principles of law. In a criminal case the accused may not be deemed guilty only on the ground of his or her statement, but rather it should be supported by other corroborating evidence. Since any violation of the petitioner’s fundamental right had not been established, the petition would merit to be annulled.


The case was referred to a special bench from the division bench, as a serious constitutional issue was to be dealt with in the case.
According to the provisions of Article 11(5) of the former Constitution and 14(3) of the present Constitution a person is not bound to speak against him or herself against his or her will. One should not be presumed guilty simply on the ground that one remained silent. However, his right to silence does not restrict to convict the accused if established or proven guilty by other evidence. Therefore, if someone voluntarily makes a statement, the same may be taken as evidence in favour of or against the person.
The issue of Section 7 of the Human Trafficking Control Act that relates to the burden of proof is a matter of legislative policy. The provision formulated in a law by legislature may not be termed as void unless save with the provision stated in the Constitution. The burden of proof is laid to the plaintiff or defendant depending upon the subject matter. If a special act requires someone to lay the burden of proof on a certain party on the basis of certain circumstances, it may not be labelled as going against the Constitution.

The preamble of the Act says that the law was brought forth to protect the interest of the ordinary people by controlling the trading in human beings. Imposing restriction on such an act itself is constitutional. Therefore, the said clause 7 does not directly control the defendant’s right to silence even if the burden of proof is laid on the defendant.

The court never compels someone to make any statement against him or herself and no provisions have been made to restrict the fundamental rights of the defendants. Since the court looks into other direct and circumstantial evidence in accordance with law, laying the burden of proof on the defendant does not mean that the court overlooks other evidence. In a different context special laws have been made laying the burden of proof on the defendants. Therefore, unless the law is seen to have been formulated explicitly against the provisions of the constitution, the court may not doubt the constitutionality of such a law. It is not found that Section 7 of the said law clearly contradicts with any provision of the Constitution, therefore, the petition is quashed.



Benoj Adhikari v. HMGN,Ministry of Home Affairs

Habeas Corpus: Difference Between Preventive And Punitive Detention

Case : Criminal Cases

Court : Supreme Court of Nepal


Benoj, student of Minbhavan Campus was arrested and detained at Hanuman Dhoka by police and neither the cause of arrest was revealed nor produced before the court. Writ is issued in the court against the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Article 11, 12(2) and 14, A Habeas Corpus petition plus demand of search warrant was filed before the court on the behalf of Benoj and his friends.


Benoj, student of Minbhavan Campus did not return home from Campus one day. The police came to his house the next day, searched his home and treated his family in an undignified manner. They asked the police about Benoj’s whereabouts. The police only told them that he was arrested and detained at Hanuman Dhoka. The family went to visit Benoj, but the police did not allow them to meet him neither the cause of arrest was revealed nor produced before the court. Considering that the police would have detained Benoj against the fundamental rights guaranteed by Article11, 12(2) and 14 habeus corpus petition including the demand of search warrant was filed with the court on the behalf of Benoj and his friends.

Containing the plea of the petitioners side the government attorneys said that Benoj and Ramesh had been arrested after based on the information that that were collections donations for the conduction of “people’s war”. Khukuri, handmade bombs, petrol bombs and other arms were seized from their home as evidence. They would have absconded if not arrested nad they were kept under preventive detention using poweres as mandated by Section 3(1) of the Public Security Act(PSA) to prevent them from absconding. The attorneys said that the petitioners were not tortured. They had confessed that they were Maoist and receipts of collecting donations were found with them. There was a threat to law and order with regard to the intergrity of sovereignty of the Kingdom due to its activities and explosives seized from them. The attorneys stated that the petitioners were kept in preventive detention in accordance with law and demanded that the petition should therefore be quashed.

Division Bench Of The Court Held

A division bench of the supreme Court held that the issues in the petition raised a question whether the provisions of the procvisions of the PSA or Acts related to Esplosive Materials as well as Arms and Ammunitions could be applied int the case. Therefore, the bench referred case to the full bench since complicated legal issues were to be settled therein.

There were two questions to be settled by the bench:

What would be the difference between detention under the PSA and detention under general criminal proceedings?
Whether the detention under the PSA would replace the detention of ordinary criminal detention or whether PSA could be alternatives to Criminal law (Act)?


Detention under the PSA is preventive and the accused in such detention has to be presented before the adjudicating officer within 24 hours. Detention, beyond this time without an order of the adjudicating officer would be tantamount to illegal detention. The PSA has less to do with the right to criminal justice enshrined in Article 14 of the constitution. It relates to sovereignty of the State, peace and the interest of the general public.

In criminal cases, however, detention is of a punitive nature. If someone’s act is against the law of the land it constitutes a crime and is thereby liable for punitive detention. In such cases the accused is entitled to the right to criminal justice enshrined in Article 14 of the constitution. The determination of the punishment and hearing takes place in an open court. Hence, there is a big difference between punitive and preventive detention.

Detention under the security law and punitive detention by criminal act are fundamentally different and may not be applied interchangeably. Materials like hand made bombs and petrol bombs are subject to crime and prohibited by the Explosive Control Act and Arms and Ammunition Act. If someone commits such acts he or she is to be prosecuted through criminal proceedings. But such a person may not be kept under a detention of security law. The detention of the petitioner under security law is not seen lawful; therefore, the petitioner is to be released through the issuance of a writ of habeas corpus.

HMG V Ballu Agrawal





In this case the petitioner was illegally detained because of that the Appellate court of janakpur issued an order of Habeas Corpus and gave  order to release the petitioner.


In this case the police had taken the petitioner from the house and was detained for two months in the charge of smuggling narcotics drugs. He was detained without any offense  and was deprived of food and water for 21 days.The petitioner filled a petition with the appellate court Janakpur for search warrant.


In this case, Appellate Court of Janakpur Issued an order of Habeas Corpus and gave order to release the petitioner acknowledging that the detention was ill – intended and Deliberately untrue document were created by the responded for legalizing the detention on that ground the court deemed that the respondent had kidnapped the petitioner with ill intention.


Prem Bahadur Gharti Magar V HMG





Prem Bahadur was charged with attempting to rape against Lal Kumari and was convicted as per chapter on Rape NO.5 and Sentenced Him for 2 year jail.


In this case, Prem Bahadur was charged with attempting to rape against Lal Kumari. The accused was police officer who approached the girl by night. Prem bahadur assault Lal Kumari with intent to rape, but she managed to free herself from the strong hold of Prem bahadur and escaped.She ran on to Ram bahadur and told him about the incident. In the crime scene, the slipper belonging to Prem Bahadur was found.Lal kumari suffered bodily injury and tearing up her dress.


The court convicted Prem Bahadur as per chapter on Rape n0. 5 and sentenced him for 2 years.

HMG V Budhiman





Kanchha hunt Raju instead of dove and was charged to attempt of murder.


In this case Kanchha , Budhi and Raju went for dove hunting.Kancha points his gun to Raju and trigger his gun saying that there is no dove to hunt so he would like to hunt him instead as dove hasn’t been found to hunt .Raju gets severely injured. Kanchan and Budhi were charged with the attempt of murder.


The lower court  acquits them of charge but supreme convicts Kancha and acquits Budhi as Kancha was 15 years old the court sentenced him 5years of imprisonment.

HMG V Bhaktu Tamangi





Jeet bahadur tamang was accused of attempt to trafficking and was sentenced for 10 years of jail and other two with  half  punishment as abettors.


In   this case Bhaktu Tamangi forced Gyamchi TAmangi to go to jeet bahadur Tamang’s house. There Renjen and Jeet kept her in secret captivity and told her that they will sell her in Bombay. Gyamchi’s father and brother rescued her after 3 days. Jeet bahadur, Renjen and Bhaktu were accused of attempt of trafficking.


The court sentenced Jeet Bahadur for 10years as perpetrator and other two half, i.e. 5years as abettors.

Dilli Prasad Bhandari V HMG





In this case, Dilli Parsad was accused for Attempt of rape of 5years old girl child named as Nawarata Ghimire and was sentenced for 3years.


In this case, Dilli Parsad persuades 5years old girl child named as Nawarata Ghimire and takes her to his bedroom. He undressed her and tried to rape her. When the girl started bleeding, she cried and he let her go. The girl ran to her mother and told her about the incident. Dilli Prasad was accused of rape.


The supreme court gave verdict that without any debate it was proved to be attempt to rape considering there was a blue hurt mark in the victim’s labia majora and labia minora as stated in Janakpur District Hospital’s report. Dilli Prasad was sentenced for 3 years as per no.5 of chapter on Rape of Muluki Ain 2020.



DATE : 2062 BS





In the case of Government of Nepal V. Binod Nepal  there was an issue of Attempt to Murder. Accused stabbed Victim  with knife on chest with the intention to kill, Supreme Court sentenced him for 5 yrs imprisonment attempt to murder.


Shiva Pokharel had slapped Binod Nepal in Tihar to stop Fight between Binod and  Ganesh K.C. Due to that Binod with four strangers went to kill Shiva. Binod Stabbed Shiva with knife on the chest with intention to kill Shiva, Binod  tried to attack second time but Ganesh stopped him. Binod was accused of attempt to murder. He confesses the guilt before the police as well as court.


The Supreme Court convicted and sentenced him 5years imprisonment on the ground of confession of accused before police, eye witness, intention, FIR and intervention of third party and in correspondence with No.15 of homicide.