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Diane M. Kaer, Attorney at Law

Hours Open:
9 AM - 5 PM
9 AM - 5 PM
9 AM - 5 PM
9 AM - 5 PM
9 AM - 5 PM
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Marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, and death – all of these matters have immense emotional and financial consequences. Such important events, whether happy or sad, should be given the level of attention they require.

As an attorney, my job is to help you handle these matters with as little stress as possible. With over 25 years of legal experience, I focus on providing individuals with efficient, qualified representation designed to best fit their particular needs. I offer counsel in family law matters and wills and trusts. I am currently accepting clients in Hennepin, Dakota, Washington and Ramsey Counties. For more information on how I can help you, please see my Services pages.


  • 29 years of professional, legal experience;
  • Experienced litigator;
  • Qualified mediator and evaluator;
  • Skilled negotiator;
  • Efficient representation;
  • Long-term approach to client/attorney relationships;
  • Common sense approach;
  • Affordable;
  • Experience with special needs children;
  • Licensed to practice in two states;
  • Superior ethical standards.

My clients need to know that I care about their needs and those of their children. Having helped many families over the course of my career has given me insight and the ability to know what my clients are experiencing at each stage of the process.

I start the process for new clients by giving them an understanding of the total process. I think this helps them as we go through it together and they can understand what they have accomplished and what is yet to come.

Having practiced family law in both states has given me some expertise in jurisdictional issues. I have handled a variety of cases where the UCCJEA (Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act) applies because there are interstate custody issues, and cases where there are no children but one spouse leaves the state and files for divorce in another.

Being licensed in two states requires that my conduct be held to the standards imposed by both states regardless of where my case is being litigated.